Friday, April 11, 2008

Secrets Don't Make Friends...They Make Best Friends

It's happened to all of us, all the sudden you realize you just started your period and really need a tampon...dire emergency right?! So you lean over to your best friend and in a whisper, ask if she has one with her. Suddenly, some obnoxious girl from the back of the room calls out, "Secrets don't make friends!" I mean seriously, every time you whisper to someon does EVERYONE else need to know what you said? No, definately not. In fact, it's normally better if they don't know what you were whispering about.

From personal experience it seems pretty clear to me that about 90% of the time that someone decides to use that line, "secrets don't make friends," the secret wasn't about that person at all, but was simply something that wasn't meant to be shared with the whole room. Most likely you were whispering about something that you didn't want to tell everyone else simply because it was irrevelant to them. You wouldn't mind if they heard, but it would take a long time to explain the situation so they wouldn't understand anyway. Other times it's about you personally, something that is no else's business. If you wanted to tell them everything about yourself, you would be whispering to them.

On the very rare occasion that you were actually talking about something that needed to be kept secret from that other nosy person in the room, can you imagine if you actually told them what it was when they demanded to hear it?? Maybe you were saying you would NEVER wear that outfit, or that you had made out with that girl's ex last weekend. In these rare cases, secrets keep friends! If you spilled the secret to the nosy girl she would not be your friend, she would most likely hate you. By telling your secrets to the right people you create stronger relationships with people who you can trust and avoid ending relationships with those who could be hurt by your secret.

Obviously, it's best not to have secrets at all. Life without them would be easy, but the reality is that they are absolutely innevitable, and some things are simply not meant to be heard by all ears. Try to be upfront with people but if you need to keep something to yourself, don't go whispering about it to some people in front of others. And next time someone decides to say, "Secrets don't make friends," assure her that they make BEST FRIENDS!


pocketz♥full♥of♥posiez said...

can i just say that your blog rocks
i saw ur comment on giggles page and i just had to look you up
ur blog is so amazing

Anonymous said...

I believe, that you are a fine writer with many fiery ideas. Keep it up with the spunk!! (I also abhor the charlatans who consider themselves important enough to know the secrets of others. How imposing!!)

You spelled definitely wrong and used simply three times. Other than that, an excellent blog. You go prettygirl!

Anonymous said...

That is so true. I really beleive that secret do make best friends because then you know thst you can trust them. I think if you kep trying you can accomplish all your dreams including that you want to be a journalist. I think you will succeed anywhere you go, so don't give up.

Natalie said...

Ooh, nice comeback! So true. Thanks for commenting on my blog! I don't really write in the Foodie one (as you might have noticed hahaha) so if you wanna comment back, my main one is This Is Natalie Bright. :) I will come back to yours!