Thursday, April 17, 2008

Prom 2008 To Do List

Hey Girls!! Whether it's been years since your last highschool prom, or it'll be years until you get to go to prom, or you're like me and stressing out about your prom this year, I'm sure you can all relate to the list below and will find it, if nothing else, entertaining!
  1. Find a date! Not just anyone though...he has to be cute, with a hot body, tall, a good dancer, oh and a nice personality would be good too. (Makes you wonder if he even exists huh?!) Those of you with boyfriends have got it made! Built-in prom date. For the rest of us, it's time to start looking for that perfect guy!
  2. Find a dress. This can sometimes be even harder than finding the date. You've got to find the right color, style, and size all on a single dress. Plus, once you do find the perfect one, it'll probably be about $200 over your budget.
  3. Exercise and Diet. Alright, now it's time to try to fit into that dress you bought. If you are planning on being in the best physical shape in time for prom, start exercising and eating a little healthier NOW. Fitness takes time and is no fun at all, but are we gonna do?
  4. Find shoes. Prom shoes....not an easy task. They have to match the dress. Also, if you've got a short date and don't want to be towering over him, you've got to find short heels, which can be harder than it sounds.
  5. Choose a Group. Can you say drama?? There is always trouble trying to decide who you are going to go with besides your date, although going with just him is always an option, and probably a lot less complicated. But if you do go with a group do you go with his friends or yours? Should you take a limo? Who will you invite to go with you?
  6. Details. Some of you lucky girls will end up with boys who are really good at planning. The majority of us will end up with boys who would rather watch tv than even think about what to do before and after prom. So this will be up to you. Where should you have dinner? Do you want to take pictures beforehand? Should you go to a party afterward? Yep, all up to you.
  7. Boutonniere. For those of you who are wondering what that big word's the little flower you're going to pin to your date's suit before you leave for prom. He should get you a corsage (goes on your wrist). If he doesn't it can be a little awkward...also, it's always hard to make sure that the two of you get matching colors, ribbons, flowers, etc. Such a hassle, but what are you going to do? (And it'll be a disaster if you stab him while trying to pin it on so practice on a pillow or something before.)
  8. Nail and Hair Appointments. Although fun, these both cost money. Nails are gorgeous but if you get your hair done don't go too crazy, you want your date to recognize you!!
  9. Getting Ready! It's the big day and naturally it will take the whole day to get ready. You'll have to do your makeup, pick up your boutonniere, get into your dress and you may want to get ready with friends (although that can stress you out even more)
  10. Awkward Pictures. There's no avoiding that awful moment right before you're about to leave when you're parents say, "Oh wait! Let's get pictures!" He puts his arm awkwardly around you and you both smile stiffly for the pictures. It sucks but there's really not any way to get around it.

Anyone else a little stressed?! And anyone else beginning to wonder if trying to find a date, a dress, dieting, exercising, and primping is all really worth just ONE night? Sure it'll be fun, but is it really worth all that trouble? I'm beginning to wonder...

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