Sunday, April 6, 2008

Look Good = Feel Good

Beep beep beep. Alarm goes off and it's time to get ready. For most girls this means an elaborate routine of showering, shaving legs, trying on a few outfits before deciding what to wear, and spending time in front of the mirror to do hair and makeup while siblings are banging at the door telling her it's their turn in the bathroom. Although some would call this vanity, I argue that is is absolutely necessary to a person's happiness.

I've come to realize that my day goes better when I feel that I look good. When my hair's a mess or my makeup's undone I simply don't function as well as I normally do. Looking good puts me in a better mood, which is beneficial to myself and those around me, (no one wants to hang out with a grouch). The way I look even affects my personality by making me more outgoing. I'm less eager to talk to those around me when I feel like a scrub.

Sure, looks aren't everything, but if it makes you feel more confident in yourself then it's worth the extra few minutes in front of the mirror. People are just happier when they're comforatble with their appearance.


SheaZ said...

Hi, I think this is very, very true! You're a really good writer! I really love blogging, too. Thanks for your comment.


Katya said...

i just love the way u write))
and thanks for ur comment)

Anonymous said...

Hey, you are a great writer. I think you would be a very good journalist. Thanks for your comment. Us red heads got to stick together! :)