Friday, April 18, 2008

Here Comes the Sun!!

It's always fun to watch fall leaves sprinkle your lawn, feel your hair being blown out of your eyes by a crisp October breeze, catch rain drops on your tongue, and make snow angels in the fresh winter snow flakes. But after the thrill and fun of all these seasons are over you are only left feeling cold, wet, and like your mascara is running. Then comes the sun! Summer means driving with the windows rolled down, running through the sand, tank tops and flip flops, tan lines and sun burns, parties, friends, water, and no worries. Are you ready for it? If not, it's time to prepare...

To start, change out your wardrobe. Put those long sleeve shirts and heavy coats in the back of your closet and bring out the tank tops and colorful tees. Also, dig out the shorts you haven't worn in months. You may realize you're slightly lacking in warm weather attire so it may be time for a shopping trip. Dresses and plaid shorts are especially popular at the moment. While out you may like to invest in a pair of large sunglasses; wearing them will make you feel like it's June! (For a cheap pair of shades check Forever21 or American Eagle) It's also time to start looking for your new swimsuit! (Target has a GREAT selection)

Next, change up your makeup. Go lighter on the eye liner and use brighter eye shadows and a light pink lip gloss. Bronzer will give your cheeks a sunkissed look. If it's time for a hair cut you may want to take off an inch or two to lighten up your locks and may want to add or touch up some highlights. Have you been tanning yet? Wearing your bathing suit for the first time isn't as fun when you realize how white you've gotten over the winter so it's good idea to start working on your base tan early. Whether you choose to hit the beds, use a fake tanning lotion (I recommend Jergen's), or layout in your bikini in your back yard, a little extra color will prepare you for beach season. Also, try a new lotion that smells like coconut or cucumber melon (Bath and Body Works). It'll remind you of the tropics!

Now that you look like California beach baby it's time to act like one. Plan some early beach trips with your friends and make a new cd of summer jams. (The list of songs on the right is a good start!) School's going to be out soon and now you'll be more ready and excited than ever!


SheaZ said...

How great! You sound like you could write for Girl's Life. I'm sooo excited for summer, I could quit school right now! Talk to you later!

pocketz♥full♥of♥posiez said...

happy earth day
it is really on tuesday but get ready to celebrate

Natalie said...

Heey! Happy Earth Day. I like your blog. Care to trade links? :)

prettygirl64 said...

Hey! Thanks so much for commenting everyone! I've got a new one up this week :) Hope you check back!
